Vive Travels

Extreme Guatemala

This is a circuit where you can experience the best of Guatemala in 9 days. The beauty of its main attractions such as Antigua, the Pacaya Volcano, Lake Atitlan, Chichicastenango market, the amazing Semuc Champey pools, together with the spectacular caves of Kamba. Besides the wonderful archaeological site of Tikal heritage humanity


  • DAY 1: Welcome at La Aurora International Airport and transfer to Antigua Guatemala

    Cultural Walk Antigua: know the Central Plaza, the Palace of the Captain Generals, the Cathedral, La Calle del Arco, the Church and Convent of Mercy, if it’s open: the Society of Jesus, the Crafts Market front to Ruinas del Carmen and Jade and Silver factory. Accommodation in Antigua.

  • DAY 2: Tour Pacaya Volcano

    Probably the best known and promoted from Guatemala who never fails to impress visitors volcano. Because it is in constant eruptive activity, constantly changing their morphology ensuring that the visitor experience is always different. During his ascent they have stunning views of other volcanoes like Agua, Fuego, Acatenango. (You do not get to the crater of the volcano by emissions from fumaroles and volcanic activity) Two daily departures: From 6:00 am to 1:00 pm or from 2:00 pm to 9:00 pm Return to Antigua. Arrive at your hotel. Accommodation in Antigua.

  • Day 3: Lake Atitlan

    5:30 am Departure from Antigua to Lake Atitlan. This lake is considered one of the most beautiful lakes in the world, it is surrounded by three impressive volcanoes and colorful indigenous Maya hometowns as San Juan La Laguna and Santiago Atitlan. This is the place to experience the amazing fusion between the Maya worldview and the Catholic faith site. 9:15 a.m. Boat tour visiting 3 villages around Lake: San Juan La Laguna, San Pedro La Laguna and Santiago Atitlan. Where you can appreciate different Guatemalan traditions. Visit to San Juan La Laguna (1 hour) visit to San Pedro La Laguna (1 hour) visit to Santiago Atitlan (1 1/2)

    4:00 pm Return to Panajachel. Accommodation in Panajachel.

  • Day 4: Lake Atitlan Chichicastenango (Thursdays and Sundays)

    8:00 am Departure from Panajachel to Chichicastenango market. Considered the largest largest Indian market across the region. Religious syncretism between the Catholic faith and the Maya worldview can be experienced in the St. Thomas Church, located in the center of town and Cerro Pascual Abaj, where they are made and the Cerro Pascual Abaj, where Mayan ceremonies are performed daily.

    IMPORTANT: If the day 4 does not match Thursday or Sunday, a tour to the Archaeological Site Iximché be held instead of Chichicastenango

    Iximché is an archaeological site of Cakchiquel origin, consists of a wide variety of Mayan buildings among which ancient temples and areas are ballgame. poorly preserved murals painted on some walls of buildings and ample evidence of human sacrifice remains were discovered. 2:30 pm back to Antigua. Free afternoon. Accommodation in Antigua.

  • DAY 5: Transfer to Semuc Champey Lanquìn

    8:00 am Departure from Antigua Guatemala to Lanquín (approximately 7 hours) Accommodation in Lanquín

  • DAY 6: Return to Lanquin

    8:00 am Departure to Semuc Champey. System stunning natural pools in the dense rainforest. consisting of a natural limestone bridge about 500 meters long, laying down the mighty river flows Cahabón and above spectacular turquoise pools are formed. The intense heat of the region invites visitors to immerse themselves in these extraordinary pools to cool off.

    You can visit and explore without tour guide stalagmite caves and impale, forming a system of lounges, domes and capricious limestone formations that print a unique beauty. 2:00 pm Return to Lanquín, room to explore on their own grottos and caves Lanquín. Lanquín accommodation.

  • DAY 7: Back Lanquìn – FLores

    8:00 am Departure from Lanquín to Flores by public transport. (Approximately 7 hours). Arrive in Flores, rest of the afternoon off. Accommodation in Flores.

  • DAY 8: Tikal National Park

    7:30 am Transfer from the hotel to the airport, to other passengers.

    8:00 am Departure from the airport to Tikal Archaeological Site.

    9:00 a.m. Guided Tour 4 hours.

    spectacular Mayan temples protected by the lush rainforest astonish the visitor. The exquisite architecture of the Maya Classic Period can be admired at its maximum resplendor. The roar of howler monkeys, birds singing and the troops of spider monkeys welcome this heavenly place. To discover fully the magic of this place, one day will not be enough.

    1:00 pm Picnic lunch (drinks not included). 2:30 pm I Transfer to Santa Elena Peten. 3:30 pm Arrival in Flores. Free time. 7:30 pm Transfer to the bus station Maya de Oro in Santa Elena. 9:00 pm Departure from Santa Elena Peten bus to Guatemala City. Maya de Oro bus, first level.

  • DAY 9: Back to Home

    5:30 a.m Arrival in Guatemala City. At the appointed time; transfer to the airport for the flight back home


Not Included