Vive Travels

Irazu volcano and Cartago Ruins

Enjoy the wonders of nature with our fabulous tour to Irazú volcano.
Once we leave the Pan-American highway we will begin the ascent to the volcano.
During our trip we will observe several typical plantations of the region such as potatoes, onions, garlic, beets, as well as the cattle farms, without leaving aside the incomparable view of the central valley.


Not Included

Important Notes

Location: Cartago, Central Valley
Estimated departure from San José: Between 6:30 A.M. – 07:30 A.M.
Enjoy the wonders of nature with our fabulous tour to Irazú volcano.
Once we leave the Pan-American highway we will begin the ascent to the volcano.
During our trip we will observe several typical plantations of the region such as potatoes, onions, garlic, beets, as well as the cattle farms, without leaving aside the incomparable view of the central valley. As we approach, we will notice the diversity of microclimates, as well as the difference in vegetation. Upon reaching the top you can see the main craters Irazú, Playa Hermosa and Diego de la Haya. It should be noted that on a sunny day, both the Atlantic and Pacific oceans could be viewed from a distance.
This majestic volcano is the highest in our country with an altitude of 3432 meters (11000 feet) above sea level. During the period from 1963 to 1965 it maintained gas and ash eruptions that reached and affected the entire national territory, being the most remembered eruptive process to date. At the top we will discover a fascinating vegetation typical of the place known as páramo forest.
After an exciting tour of the volcano, we will descend to the historic city of Cartago founded in 1563 by the conquistador Juan Vázquez de Coronado, which was the capital of Costa Rica during the colonial period until 1823.
There we will observe some mysterious ruins of an old parish and will be able to visit the wonderful Basilica of the Virgin of the Angels which is the patron saint of the Costa Ricans.

Important Notes